
Java micro-library for writing & testing concurrent code


Conditions are part of our everyday language. The Condition interface captures a conditional as something that can be reused. For example, waiting for something can be achieved using the WaitFor (see waiting) class and an anonymous Condition. For example,

private void waitForShutdown() throws TimeoutException {
    waitOrTimeout(new Condition() {
        public boolean isSatisfied() {
            return server.isShutdown();
    }, timeout);

will wait for some server to indicate that it has shutdown. The Conditions class collects useful Condition objects such as not. There is also a useful Condition to indicate if a thread is in a waiting state in ThreadUtils.

Some common thread related conditions have been collected in the Conditions class. These include a not condition to invert the result of some other condition and various thread state related conditions such as checking if a a thread alive. See the miscellaneous thread utils section for details.

For testing purposes, you might want to assert against the outcome of a Condition. The Conditions class has an assertThat method which takes a Matcher<Boolean> for use with JUnit. For example, you could assert against a condition using vanilla JUnit like this.

Assert.assertThat(not(TRUE).isSatisfied(), is(false));

or using the Conditions class, you can tidy the assert up to look like this.

Conditions.assertThat(not(TRUE), is(false));

If you have Matchers available in your production code, you can use this with flexible waits, for example,

WaitFor.waitOrTimeout(Conditions.assertion("hello", is(not(equalTo("goodbye")))), timeout(millis(100)));

Next, Testing Time Sensitive Code: Waiting For Conditions »